A Brighter Future Awaits.

Each Case Is Different: Speak With Our Attorneys About The Reasons For Divorce

The reasons for divorce are as diverse and unique as the people involved. There’s a reason why so many attorneys tell people that no two divorce cases are alike — because it’s true.

At Scott Law Group, we bring years of legal, professional and personal experience to bear on divorce and other family law issues. We have worked with people in the Winston-Salem metro and throughout North Carolina hailing from all walks of life. As a team of lawyers and professionals, we understand what our clients are going through and strive to provide the support and resources they need to make smart decisions, protect their interests and move forward with their lives.

Do You Have Questions About Misconduct Or Other Factors That May Play Into Your Divorce?

People get divorced for different reasons. Perhaps you and your spouse have fallen on difficult financial times and the strain has caused your marriage to dissolve. Or maybe you suspect infidelity or other forms of marital misconduct on the part of your spouse has played a part in the breakdown of your relationship. Regardless of the circumstances, it’s important to protect yourself and your children by speaking with an attorney.

At our firm, we will listen as you share your concerns, will ask questions that help us gather facts and will outline your options under the law.

Some common issues and actions we handle include:

  • Marital misconduct
  • Post-separation dating and relationships
  • Alienation of affections and criminal conversion
  • Domestic violence issues as they pertain to divorce and custody

Divorce is never easy, and it’s only made more difficult when infidelity, abandonment, abuse and other issues come into play. No matter on what side of the issue you fall, our team of lawyers and staff is here to support and represent you.

A Local Practice That Understands What You’re Going Through

To speak with us during a confidential consultation, call our Kernersville law office at 336-310-8569 or send an email inquiry by filling out our contact form. We represent men and women in Winston-Salem and statewide.